Anyways, we went to the aquarium today or Beach Land. I have found, that whenever there is a D at the end of a sentence, the Japanese add an O to it. So, Beach Land becomes Beach Lando. It was really hilarious one time when my host mom, Tomoko, and I were sitting around talking about food. They kept asking me if I liked macadonaldo. I was like, eh? They kept saying it over and over and I still couldn’t understand. Then Tomoko drew a big M on a piece of paper and I was like, “OH! You mean McDonalds!” The Japanese people cannot say it. My host mom makes different people say it all the time. She is determined to get it right for some reason. Lol.
Beach Land was fun. Although I don’t think I could say that if the exhibits inside didn’t have air conditioning. I went with my host mom, Tomoko, and Iri. Iri got to go because she had no school on Saturday! We also got to bring Tane! They allow dogs in aquariums in Japan. Kind of cool. We got to see all kinds of animals. I even got to touch a dolphin! I haven’t done that before. I felt like a little kid, mostly because I was in line with a bunch of them. Haha. :)
This is Tomoko, Iri, Tane, and me.
Host Mom instead of Tomoko.
Tane wanted to play with the penguins.
This guy kept eyeballing me. He was like "Hey!"
"What you lookin at?"
I had my first Picture Booth experience in Japan today. It is very popular here, especially, with the “teenagers” as my host mom would say.
After Beach Lando we went to this Shrimp Chip Factory that was close by. The Japanese turn the strangest things into chips… You got to sample all the different kinds too. There must have been at least 30. There was octopus, squid, plum, wasabi, green tea, rice… I don’t even remember them all. I think I liked squid the best? I’m not exactly sure that’s what it was. All the signs were in Japanese. I definitely don’t like squid in its normal form…
My host mom, Iri, and I went to Sushi today. Yes, the day had finally come, raw fish… My mentality is to try something before you judge it because you never know when you might like something. So I tried and I tried and I tried.
The restaurant was pretty big, for Japan. All of the food went around on this huge rotating circle. You sat at a table next to the circle and just picked up what you wanted or you could order it and the chef would send it on its way.
These are some of the things I tried:
•Rice wrapped in seaweed with corn on top (Good)
•Shrimp on rice (Oishii)
•Sea Urchin on rice (
•Natto (Japanese soy bean) on rice (Argh! Disgusting!!)
•Cooked Eel on rice (Okay)
•Rice with cucumber all wrapped in seaweed (Okay)
Yeah, I was pretty brave, I know. I came out with the conclusion that I really don’t like raw fish that much… Cooked, sure. Raw… No.
After that we went to a meeting for Iri. She will be going to Australia soon with her Brass Band club. She will be staying with a host family just like I am now. It was all really cool to hear about it all… until it was still going after 2 hours. Of course it was all in Japanese too. All I could do was stare off into space… I wanted to sleep after all the walking at Beach Land and the consumption of fishy food, but I was too afraid it would be rude. Lol.
But overall, today was great. A lot of different, new experiences. :)
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